ICC News September 2014

ICC is at an advanced stage of completing an eight week contract valued in excess of £150k working for General Electric Group on the decommissioning of one of its facilities in the Midlands.
Works have involved innovative specialist cleaning processes devised and proposed by ICC and included recovery of both wet and dry hazardous materials. ICC was recommended and appointed by a globally recognised management and auditing company. Their remit was to ensure every aspect of the cleaning and decommissioning process was audited, recorded, photographed and comprehensively documented ensuring the very highest standards were achieved. These rigorous procedures enabled the client to walk away from the site 100% confident that all legal, environmental and moral obligations have been accomplished. ICC’s approach, solutions and application of best working practices had also been recognised by the client as this was the smaller of two projects undertake for this client during the last year hopefully further paving the way for others to follow.